We hope everyone had an enjoyable hunting season followed by an an equally enjoyable
holiday season and you are now looking forward to training/testing with your current hunting companion and/or looking ahead to getting a puppy in 2025.
Our OGR AGM will be held on Sunday, February 16 at Triggers and Bows in Burford from
11am to 1pm. We will send everyone an agenda about a week before the meeting. Please let Jan know ( vizslat@rogers.com ) if you have any items or motions to include in the AGM
Membership Renewal
Please renew your membership of $50 . Renewals can be done online or by sending an e-
transfer to ogrnavhda@gmail.com and stating in the message box that it is for membership
The spring NA test will be held at Ruffwood Game Farm on May 31st and June 1st.
The fall combined UT and NA test will be held at Hullett Wildlife Area, August 31st, September 1st and 2nd.
Test entry applications will not be accepted until after the AGM.
OGR Officers Election
The President and Secretary positions are up for election this year. If you wish to nominate
anyone for these positions, please do so at the AGM and ensure the nominee is present. Both current incumbents intend to run again for their respective positions.
Toronto Sportsman Show
Our Chapter has been invited to participate in the Toronto Sportsman Show again this year. We will be demonstrating some aspects of our dogs versatility along with the Toronto and Ottawa Chapters. The demo dates for our Chapter are Thursday, March 13 and Friday, March 14. We will also need some help on the 12th to set up the arena. So, please let us know if you would be willing to participate. Those of us who participated last year found it was a great way to promote NAVHDA and our versatile dogs. Maeve, Sunny, and her puppy were a big hit last year.
It would be great if we could have another puppy or two for the demo this year.
Marketing/Promotions Position
The OGR Board would like to recruit someone to manage promotions and solicit items for raffles at tests and other fundraising opportunities. So, if you are interested in helping we would like to hear from you.
Our OGR Board of Directors look forward to seeing a good turnout at the AGM.
